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Saturday, February 11, 2012

A good kind of DEBT: CALORIC DEBT

America wants to shed debt---but there is a GOOD kind of debt---caloric debt. If one assumes that a human body has a normal burn of 10 times body weight---or that say a person weighing 240 burns about 2400 calories per day to maintain the current weight----then it follows that any consumption of food less than that combined with exercise to burn off calories, will result in a caloric deficit...and if one keeps very good records---you can pretty much calculate how much weight you can lose over time with that deficit---the problem comes in CHANGING ones habits to get that deficit and getting it in a healthy way supervised by health professionals of course. The problem comes in confronting the reality of what one is consuming---it is kind of like confronting accounting...when one puts the budget on the refrigerator and then somehow the ending checkbook balance does not corresponde to the plan. The budget is fiction...ditto for the diet. Diets have to be honest as to what is consumed as well as the amount of exercise and the amounts of calories burned.

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