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Sunday, February 13, 2011

2005: Nostalgia: Differences as An Asset: Dialogue as Strength

My sister, Susie, is an executive in a large firm in a large metro area. On their website, one of the strategies written about is "Leveraging Our Differences" to achieve corporate success.

I teased her about this saying, " Susie, I normally leverage my assets, not my differences." " Well'" she replied, " That is exactly the point," "They are assets." She went on, "Our market is folks who speak 10 languages from all over the world. We need every bit of difference in our staff just to deliver our service in an understanding way. So, differences are a strength for us, and a key way of seeing ourselves."

Over the past couple months on this blog, we have had an open discussion and it has revealed differences, some deep, some not. The differences can be seen as strength or weakness. The open discussion can be seen as strength or weakness. I see both as strength and salute those in the city, such as Mr. Connors, who have engaged citizens in the dialogue. I salute those citizens who have participated. Now we need each one to tell one more person so the discussion can grow. And the strength can grow. Yes, kinda like weight training

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