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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Memories of John Jones

Memories of John Jones: Or why the equipment does not make the muscles;On why laws don't make freedom of speech or assembly--people do
Many of you may remember John Jones, the owner of Jones Barbells on Union Street. He was an avid flyer, a flight instructor and a weight lifter known nationally by his plane with the Jones Barbell logo on it. He was the son of a World War II ace pilot.

There are many John Jones stories. He was a very simple and direct and honest person. Sometimes disturbingly so for high and mighty types. John was most at home in his welding overalls with the top glass shield that he retracted, like Dark Helmet, when he came from the back welding area to help a customer. He loved welding, and selling was just extra.

Back in 1990 I wandered into the shop to see his weight equipment and explained to the big guy that I had been a long distance runner in my youth, and a slow one at that, but needed to regain my leg strength.

He said not a word. He just waved me to follow him back to the leg press section of the display room. He showed me his patented leg press machine, the one that had the special safety and he designed to prevent back injuries. I was an easy sale.

As I cleared out my storage chest recently of the many race t-shirts over the years, I had to smile. John never said that my dream of running again was crazy, like most of the relatives. He just showed me what was necessary.Everything was on a handshake with John. His word was good. I would buy everything he had eventually.

Finally, when I asked about some new piece, he quietly said, "Dick, you just need to use what you have. It's up to you, not the equipment."

That was just what I needed to hear then. To those of you that attended the recent peace vigil, I applaud your showing up to express your opinion by free assembly. To those who take the other side, I applaud your right to express it.

The question is not for those who show up. The question I have is ----Who is the real Observer. Is it me?

I think not.

I have to write a bit each day with my name on it. The observers are those who just log on to observe what the rest are talking about. I know because I get the traffic reports.

John Jones told me something that I did not want to hear. The equipment was not going to get the muscles. It was up to me.

To those who are just observing, think about expressing yourself without fear. Think about telling a friend about The Evansville Observer. The Observer is not about me. It is really about the comments. It's about the discussion. The Observer is just a place to talk. A place to chat about possiblities. It is only going to be what you, the observers, make it.
Posted by Evansville Observer at 10:08 AM

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