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Monday, November 27, 2006

"The Plenty Rule"---a true story

"The Plenty Rule"

While many a man would like to puke hearing women constantly go over, "Well how did that make you feel," ad nausaum, the one area that it is appropriate----is the one area that it is least applied----namely money and the sense of security or plenty.

Too often those revered financial planners---mostly men---possibly only folks that have passed some sort of exam that equates security with amounts of life insurance and mutual funds in hand--pontificate in a very abstract way that makes customers wonder---and rightfully so.

I would suggest that it is talked about in such mathematical terms since the investment in insurance and stocks is so high that one must begin at the age of 7 in order to make the numbers come out.

Phil Laut, famous author of "Money is My Friend," went over the essential rule in a Saturday morning seminar held at the St. Paul Hotel some 20 years ago. His rule was that if a person did not have a sense of plenty, even though lots of money was accumulated, that person was destined to lose it. This concept shocked me. Being a rational guy and all.

The feeling or anxiety of scarcity would cause that person to screw up and make inappropriate investments and lose. On the contrary, the person who had a sense of plenty even though poor had a better foundation for gaining a great wealth and keeping it----and being wealthy in every sense of the word.


Is Plenty a feeling? Or is Plenty a fact?

You make the call.

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