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Monday, October 1, 2007

"My Light is out"------the Milton problem

One day in college, in my sophmore year, right in the middle of a course in MILTON, the professor asked the question: "on page xxx on line xxx, Milton writes, "MY LIGHT IS OUT". Can anyone in the class tell me what he was talking about.

Silence. Complete silence from the class. I just wished I had known the answer. It would have been a moment to stand out...stand at the top of the class. But alas. I could not for the life of me even guess what it was all about.

The the professor spoke:

"That was the moment that Milton lost his sight."

The words stunned me. I just visualized the situation and a sense of panic completely enveloped me.

Years later. At an eye exam. A doctor tells me that I have a rare type of glaucoma that has destroyed half of my vision and is currently uncontrolled. That same sense of panic and ...despair...enveloped me.

After a battle of surgery...drops...and the support of family....after conquering blurred vision....I write with energy....

My light is not out. Just came close.

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