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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Risky Behavior---a sidenote

One of the observations I had many years ago while working as a financial advisor, is that sometimes I saw quite young folks who saw themselves as quite the gambler types---and while at a young age, took an interest in how many worked, which was good.....they began by going to the edge with risky investments...and other risky behavior....... that even a riverboat gambler would have avoided.

I surmised that this was a transference of sorts---after all...this was the exact age that risks in one's education would normally be taken...with gutsy investment in courses and apprenticeships to learn the tools of the trade.

For those who have been through the crashes of the market, there is a certain quiet that comes with the volatility. The old zen saying, "Those who say, do not know; those who know do not say, " really applies here.

There is a real calm in the stepping up to the plate calmly in a risk situation. The loud bragging gambler behavior is not seen---except by the wannabees.

Make a note of it.

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